- Weathering an Unexpected Financial Shock: The Role of Federal Disaster Assistance on Household Finance and Business Survival (with Daniel Hartley and Shawn Rohlin), Accepted by Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
- Criminal Deterrence when there are Offsetting Risks: Traffic Cameras, Vehicular Accidents, and Public Safety
(with Paul J. Fisher), American Economic Journal: Economic Policy (2020), 12(3), 202-37.
- School Meal Quality and Academic Performance
(with Michael L. Anderson and Elizabeth Ramirez Ritchie), Journal of Public Economics (2018), 168, 81-93.
- Household Finance after a Natural Disaster: The Case of Hurricane Katrina
(with Daniel Hartley),
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy (2017), 9(3), 199-228.
- Learning About an Infrequent Event: Evidence from Flood Insurance Take-Up in the US,
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics (2014), 6(3), 206-233.
- Does Hazardous Waste Matter? Evidence from the Housing Market and the Superfund Program
(with Michael Greenstone), Quarterly Journal of Economics (2008), 123(3), 951-1003.
Working Papers
Research in Progress
- Urban Growth Boundaries, Housing Density, and Housing Prices (with Daniel Bigelow)
- Bank Branching, Low-Income Lending, and the Household Finance of Economically Vulnerable Populations (with Garret Christensen)
- School Lunch Project: NBC (WKYC),
Radio Times (NPR, WHYY)
- Red Light Camera Project: ABC (Cleveland WEWS;
picked up by Cedar Rapids KCRG, Pascagoula WLOX),
CBS (Cleveland, WOIO; picked up by St. Louis WOIO),
CBS Radio (Austin, KRLD),
The Capital Forum (Vol. 7 No. 418),
Daily Mail (Australia),
Fox (Baltimore, 45),
NPR (Akron, WKSU),
NPR (St. Louis, MO)